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Canned food and a spoon make a good partner for nutrition and delicacy.

 Canned food and a spoon make a good partner for nutrition and delicacy.

Sitting on the sofa at home on weekends while chasing dramas and eating is really a pleasure in life. The wonderful plot combined with the delicious taste on the tip of the tongue is like a kind of ecstasy, which makes people forget about themselves and only feels that weekend time has passed too fast. What snacks will you prepare in advance to catch up with the play? Melon seeds, biscuits, potato chips, fruit biscuits, cola?
It has to be said that many crisp and delicious snacks are easy to make people angry. Some fairies may catch up with a TV play in two days over the weekend and have some acne on their faces and even feel sore throat. In order to be beautiful and delicious, I will introduce you to a group of nutritious fruit snacks - Canned fruits.
Perhaps some fairies are worried about canned food when they hear about it. Canned food is not only rare but also demonized in recent years. The materials used in canned food are not good and various additives are added. In fact, the demonization of canned goods is really wrong. Canned goods are very popular in Europe and the United States, where people are scarce. The annual consumption of canned goods in the United States is as high as 90 kilograms.
Canneries generally use pasteurization method. After sterilization, the canned food can be preserved for a long time in a clean and sealed environment. Adding preservatives simply increases the cost in vain. So the fairies who have concerns about canned food can eat it safely.
Recommendation: Canned white peach
Old cannery Zhaofeng white peach canned, in order to lock fresh selected white peaches from picking to canning no more than 24 hours, attractive white peaches soaked in the proportion of just fine sugar soup, refreshing and sweet, not greasy at all, 300 g canned one person eating just right, after eating fruit-flavored candy water is also very good to drink.
Canned white peach and yellow peach belong to the classic style in canned fruit. To meet the needs of taste buds, canned fruits now have more choices, such as this Sydney can below.
Recommendation: Canned Sydney
Huang Xiaochef selected this can from Zhaofeng, open ready-to-eat, fresh-picked Sydney can in a day, to lock vitamin C and other nutrients, a Sydney ball immersed in just sweet sugar water, crisp and juicy, crisp and delicate, especially suitable for summer after ice.
The invention of canned fruits can make people eat fruits that are not in this season. Before, people had many misunderstandings about canned fruits. They always thought that canned fruits would not be fresh fruits and the quality would not be good. Canned fruits are the best way to keep fresh fruits, from picking to canning, preserving freshness and delicacy.
When it comes to canned fruits, which do fairies like? You don't have to eat only crunchy junk snacks for the chase. These canned fruits are full of vitamins, nutritious and delicious. They are also good partners for the chase. A can, a spoon, leaning on the sofa to watch the play while eating, comfortable.