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Construction of the First Export Bamboo Shoot Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone in Guangdong Pr

 Construction of the First Export Bamboo Shoot Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone in Guangdong Province

In recent years, the export scale of bamboo shoots in Jieyang City has been expanding, from 27 million US dollars in 2012 to 129 million US dollars in 2016, with an average annual growth of 37.8%, which has led to the increase of income of tens of thousands of local farmers. Among them, the export of canned bamboo shoots in clear water from January to October 2017 was 424,000 tons, with a value of 95.51 million US dollars, an increase of 68.9% and 55.7% over the same period of last year. The export volume continued to rank the highest in Guangdong and even in the whole country.
Export Drives the Development of Bamboo Shoot Industry in Jieyang
Domestic bamboo shoot products mainly consist of fresh bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoots, with small sales, low added value and low income of bamboo shoot farmers. The main export bamboo shoot products are canned bamboo shoots. At present, canned bamboo shoots with clear water, bamboo shoot slices, bamboo shoot blocks, bamboo shoot acid and bamboo shoot salty have many varieties, large output, wide sales and significant profits.
Guangdong inspection and quarantine department takes "promoting foreign trade and steady growth" as its leading role, vigorously promotes the management mode of "company + base + standardization", guides export bamboo shoot enterprises to establish and improve quality management system and quality traceability system, and gives full play to the advantages of resources and technology, helps enterprises actively cope with foreign technical barriers to trade, and greatly promotes the improvement of enterprise management level and product quality. Promote the export of bamboo shoots in Jieyang.
Jieyang Junjia Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012, is a food processing enterprise mainly exporting canned bamboo shoots. In just five years, it has developed into a large enterprise with an annual output value of 200 million yuan, mainly canned bamboo shoots and other fruits and vegetables. Its products are exported to the United States, Europe and other places.
Wu Liuxue, Deputy Director of Agricultural and Forestry Bureau of Jiedong District, said that bamboo shoots were semi-wild products. Previous planting methods were mainly natural growth and sporadic and decentralized planting, but did not form a scale. Since the strong growth of bamboo shoots exported, bamboo shoot farmers have tasted sweetness and expanded their planting area and formed a scale. Putian Town has a population of 68,000, and 15,000 people are engaged in bamboo shoot cultivation. Almost every household has bamboo shoots. At present, the bamboo shoot planting area in Putian Town is 35,000 mu, with an annual output of more than 80 million tons. He said that 80% of the products were exported, and the export of bamboo shoots led to the development of the bamboo shoot industry in Jieyang. (Correspondent Xu Zhimin)
Start the Construction of the First Export Bamboo Shoot Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone in Guangdong Province
The bamboo shoots produced in Jieyang are mainly Dendrocalamus latiflorus shoots, which are rare edible bamboo shoots in China. They have the characteristics of short plant, low branch and high yield. The products are rich in high fiber and various amino acids. They are known as the "first green health food" at home and abroad, and have a very broad development prospect. In recent years, Jieyang has increased the development of bamboo shoot productivity and taken the road of base construction. At present, the bamboo shoot production in Jieyang has basically formed a pattern of scale, base, regionalization and industrialization.
The bamboo shoot cultivation in Jieyang City is mainly distributed in Jiedong District. Putian Town is the core area. Radiation drives the surrounding towns such as Xichang, Xinheng, Yuhu, Longwei and Quxi. At present, there are more than 100,000 mu of bamboo shoot cultivation area and more than 350,000 tons of raw bamboo shoots annually. It has developed into the only large-scale and regional production base of Asparagus in Guangdong and even in the whole country.
In recent years, bamboo shoot export industry in Jieyang has developed rapidly, and canned bamboo shoots are popular overseas. At present, there are more than 10 bamboo shoot export enterprises in Jieyang. The products are exported to more than 40 countries and regions, such as the United States, the European Union, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. According to statistics, the export of canned bamboo shoots reached 55,000 tons in 2016, with a value of US$129 million, an increase of 14% and 41% respectively over the same period of last year.
In order to further improve the supply quality of export bamboo shoot products and promote the focused development of bamboo shoot industry, Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has put "the construction of Jieyang export bamboo shoot quality demonstration zone" into the key support projects. On September 13 this year, Jieyang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and Jiedong District People's Government signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, formally launching the construction of "provincial quality and safety demonstration zone" for bamboo shoots export.
The demonstration area will establish a quality supervision mechanism led by the government and co-managed by all relevant functional departments. It will establish and improve eight major systems, namely, organizational guarantee, quality and safety standardization, agricultural input control, pest and disease monitoring, quality and safety traceability and integrity management, in order to build a strong quality supervision capability, a high level of product quality and safety of enterprises in the area, and a demonstration drive. Demonstration area with strong ability. The demonstration area is based on bamboo shoot planting base and mainly exports bamboo shoot products. It is the first quality and safety demonstration area named after export bamboo shoots in Guangdong Province.
Nearly 60% of the U.S. market share
The United States is an important market for the export of canned bamboo shoots from Jieyang. The market share of canned bamboo shoots from Jieyang to America is nearly 60%. As we all know, the United States is one of the countries with the most stringent food safety standards in the world. According to the Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA will organize annual spot checks on imported food producers and implement automatic detention system. This means that for food products to enter the U.S. market, the producers must pass the "test" and maintain quality stability.
In order to break through the technical barriers to trade and promote the "going out" of enterprises'products, the inspection and quarantine department has set up a special expert working group to give precise assistance to enterprises. Firstly, the planning of planting base should be done well in combination with local agriculture and other relevant departments to avoid source pollution, and the control scheme of bamboo shoot residues should be studied and formulated to guide bamboo shoot farmers to do well in pest control; secondly, the enterprise should be guided to improve quality management system and traceability management system, and improve product self-inspection.